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Penndel Wildcats Football and Cheer

Penndel Wildcats Football and Cheer

News Detail


Jun, 2020

Season is on track to start August 1st

We are on track to start our football and cheer season as normal in August. Be prepared to start practice on August 3rd. As of right now, we will still be at Sandburg till week 1, practicing Monday thru Thursday. The regular season games should start the weekend of August 28th. While Pop Warner has stated that Nationals will not be in Disney this year, they are still planning on having regionals and nationals. 

Some changes that will be taking place this season are:

  • Additional forms will need to be completed. You should have received your physical form in the confirmation email you received after completing your registration. I have attached it again to this email. Like always, that needs to be filled out before practice begins, but there will be additional forms, some from Penndel Athletic Association, some from Pop Warner and some from Penndel Boro. When you are asked to fill something out, or your child is asked to sign something, please do so with no problem.


  • We will be taking temperatures of players, so before every practice, one of the coaches will be taking the players temperature. If the player is over 100.4, they will not be able to practice. Before every game, everyone who will be on the field will have to check in at a tent, run by the home team, and have their temperature taken. This is coaches, officials, players, cheerleaders, volunteers and team moms. If you are over 100.4, you will have to go home. I will send more information on this as I get it, and we get closer to week 1.



Volunteers: We need them every year, but this year, more than ever. Like every year, coaches are going to need them for games (play counters, holding chains and running the clock when at home). If you are on the field, you will have to wear a mask. I do not see this changing this season. Coaches will be wearing them; officials will be wearing them. Players WILL NOT have to wear a Mask.


Lastly, I will be sending out an email letting you know when equipment picks up will be. This year, you will only be picking up shoulder pads, practice jersey and get fitted for their game jersey. 2/3 of our helmets are getting their bi-yearly certification done. The company is in Pennsylvania, so they were shut done for a few months. They have assured me they will be done by August 1st, so we will likely be handing out helmets during the first week of practice.



Because of the uncertainty that was out there prior, I did not ask that everyone who registered to pay while registering. Well now that we are 45 days away from August 1st, and we are almost 100% certain to be having a season, I am asking everyone to make payment. I will have to order the jerseys by mid- July at the very latest to insure delivery in time for the start of the games.

If you still owe money for cheer or football, please either make payment or contact me or Sarah to make payment arrangements. If something has changed, and you will no longer being doing field cheer or football, please let us know ASAP.

You can pay by logging in to your account, mail a check to 1 Noreen Drive, Yardley Pa 19067, or bring payment to equipment pick up.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you


Domenic Frascella




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